What a strange new world we find ourselves in. I guess every generation has it's one-in-a-lifetime, to tell your grandkids about, event. But I was hoping it would be the beginnings of the A.I. war, not the sodding Coronavirus.
Needless to say, my life has gone through the wringer. I work in television production as a Junior Production Manager. For the next few months, at least, it's an invaluable UK industry which has all but disappeared.
My expertise is in international documentaries. You can imagine how long those productions lasted. Sure, my job may seem as useful to the current climate as a chocolate kettle in hell, but just want until we've got nothing but re-runs in six months.
With little else for it, I'm back at my parent’s house in Hertfordshire to wait out the lockdown. A garden to pensively amble in and people to indulge my writer’s temperament is to be greatly preferred to a freezing London flat hunkered down, alone, over the last bag of pasta.
Enough Coronavirus misery.
I'm sure we're all watching the news which is daily keeping us well-informed and terrified. The predictions science fiction made for 2020 were clearly way off.
Onto the positive of these bizarre times. I will not spend this enforced time off ideally! Expect plenty of new content coming your way, including an exciting series on the weird and wonderful Discworld characters.
A re-commitment to the blog right now may have shades of Nero fiddling while Rome burns, but it keeps me sane. And if anyone out there is actually reading, then I'd like to keep things business as usual around here.
Short and sweet today. Check back for more over the coming months. Stay safe, stay sane and above all remember - this will all be a distant memory when the A.I.s take over.